Meadow Lane, Elite Composite Designs Ltd
TREX Pro Installer: Yes
Project width (m): 5
Project length (m): 10
Products used: Trex Transcend Island Mist and Trex Transcend Gravel Path Decking with Trex Signature Railing
( Black ) and Trex Post Cap lights. There is Trex Recessed lights within the inlay design.
Unusual features: This Featured Decking Has a Six Pointed Hexagram ( six pointed Star ) circumscribing a Hexskelion ( Six Bent Legs ) within the Hexagram.
Where were the materials purchased: Alloway Timber and Southern Sheeting
Judges Comment:
“Rarely seen colour combination that really works in this environment the Island Mist is a great match to the building and the porcelain. Fantastic attention to detail with double picture frame, soldier course fascia and unique inlay that really makes the project stand out.”